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Configuring the homepage layout in the Congo theme.
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< span class = mb-[2px] > < a href = https://github.com/jpanther/congo/tree/dev/exampleSite/content/docs/homepage-layout/index.md class = "text-lg hover:text-primary-500" rel = "noopener noreferrer" target = _blank title = "Edit content" > < span class = "relative inline-block align-text-bottom px-1 icon" > < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox = "0 0 512 512" > < path fill = "currentcolor" d = "M490.3 40.4c21.9 21.87 21.9 57.33.0 79.2l-30 30.1-98-97.98 30.1-30.06C414.3-.2135 449.7-.2135 471.6 21.66L490.3 40.4zM172.4 241.7 339.7 74.34l98 97.96L270.3 339.6C264.2 345.8 256.7 350.4 248.4 353.2l-88.8 29.6C150.1 385.6 141.5 383.4 135 376.1 128.6 370.5 126.4 361 129.2 352.4l29.6-88.8C161.6 255.3 166.2 247.8 172.4 241.7v0zM192 63.1c17.7.0 32 15.23 32 32 0 18.6-14.3 32-32 32H96c-17.67.0-32 15.2-32 32V416c0 17.7 14.33 32 32 32H352c17.7.0 32-14.3 32-32V319.1c0-16.8 14.3-32 32-32s32 15.2 32 32V416c0 53-43 96-96 96H96c-53.02.0-96-43-96-96V159.1c0-53 42.98-96 96-96h96z" / > < / svg > < / span > < / a > < / span > < / div > < / div > < / header > < section class = "flex flex-col max-w-full mt-0 prose dark:prose-invert lg:flex-row" > < div class = "order-first px-0 lg:order-last lg:max-w-xs lg:ps-8" > < div class = "toc pe-5 print:hidden lg:sticky lg:top-10" > < details open class = "-ms-5 mt-0 overflow-hidden rounded-lg ps-5" > < summary class = "-ms-5 block cursor-pointer bg-neutral-100 py-1 ps-5 text-lg font-semibold text-neutral-800 dark:bg-neutral-700 dark:text-neutral-100 lg:hidden" > Table of Contents< / summary > < div class = "-ms-5 border-s border-dotted border-neutral-300 py-2 ps-5 dark:border-neutral-600" > < nav id = TableOfContents > < ul > < li > < a href = #page-layout > Page layout< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = #profile-layout > Profile layout< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = #custom-layout > Custom layout< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = #recent-articles > Recent articles< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / nav > < / div > < / details > < / div > < / div > < div class = "min-w-0 min-h-0 max-w-prose grow" > < p > Congo provides a fully flexible homepage layout. There are two main templates to choose from with additional settings to adjust the design. Alternatively, you can also provide your own template and have complete control over the homepage content.< / p > < p > The layout of the homepage is controlled by the < code > homepage.layout< / code > setting in the < code > params.toml< / code > configuration file. Additionally, all layouts have the option to include a listing of < a href = #recent-articles > recent articles< / a > .< / p > < h2 id = page-layout class = "relative group" > Page layout < span class = "absolute top-0 w-6 transition-opacity opacity-0 -start-6 not-prose group-hover:opacity-100" > < a class = "group-hover:text-primary-300 dark:group-hover:text-neutral-700" style = text-decoration-line:none!important href = #page-layout aria-label = Anchor > #< / a > < / span > < / h2 > < p > The default layout is the page layout. It’ s simply a normal content page that displays your Markdown content. It’ s great for static websites and provides a lot of flexibility.< / p > < p > < figure > < img class = "mx-auto my-0 rounded-md" width = 2048 height = 1536 srcset = "/congo/docs/homepage-layout/home-page_hu9ebf2dc0eb5e596beb284e744e4eca5b_246440_330x0_resize_q75_box.jpg 330w,/congo/docs/homepage-layout/home-page_hu9ebf2dc0eb5e596beb284e744e4eca5b_246440_660x0_resize_q75_box.jpg 660w,/congo/docs/homepage-layout/home-page_hu9ebf2dc0eb5e596beb284e744e4eca5b_246440_1024x0_resize_q75_box.jpg 1024w,/congo/docs/homepage-layout/home-page_hu9ebf2dc0eb5e596beb284e744e4eca5b_246440_1320x0_resize_q75_box.jpg 2x" src = /congo/docs/homepage-layout/home-page_hu9ebf2dc0eb5e596beb284e744e4eca5b_246440_660x0_resize_q75_box.jpg alt = "Screenshot of homepage layout" loading = lazy > < / figure > < / p > < p > To enable the page layout, set < code > homepage.layout = "page"< / code > in the < code > params.toml< / code > configuration file.< / p > < h2 id = profile-layout class = "relative group" > Profile layout < span class = "absolute top-0 w-6 transition-opacity opacity-0 -start-6 not-prose group-hover:opacity-100" > < a class = "group-hover:text-primary-300 dark:group-hover:text-neutral-700" style = text-decoration-line:none!important href = #profile-layout aria-label = Anchor > #< / a > < / span > < / h2 > < p > The profile layout is great for personal websites
2022-03-13 23:47:01 +00:00
< span class = "flex flex-col" > < span class = "mt-[0.1rem] leading-6 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-primary-500" > Configuration< / span >
2022-11-10 02:13:45 +00:00
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2023-10-22 23:23:53 +00:00
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2023-06-04 00:38:53 +00:00
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