mirror of https://github.com/jpanther/congo.git
Compare commits
7 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
stereobooster | 5172657069 | |
James Panther | f31082dec8 | |
James Panther | 09797137b6 | |
James Panther | 5a4c8b5450 | |
James Panther | ad8a1b0390 | |
stereobooster | 22e1f1727e | |
stereobooster | 30d506af0f |
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
### Added
- New portable locale picker that can be placed in any menu using the `locale` action ([#583](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/issues/583))
- New icons for `chevron-down`, `chevron-up`, `globe` and `translate`
- Plausible Analytics support ([#584](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/584))
- Spanish translation of example site samples ([#606](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/606))
- Japanese translation of docs and example site ([#618](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/618))
@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
### Changed
- ⚠️ Renamed the `params.rtl` language parameter to `languageDirection` as this is now supported by Hugo ([#583](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/issues/583))
- Robots.txt file now allows all by default without concern for whether the environment is set to production ([#620](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/620))
- Upgrade to Mermaid v10.4.0 ([#577](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/577), [#582](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/582), [#626](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/626), [#638](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/638))
- Upgrade to KaTeX v0.16.8 ([#590](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/590))
- Upgrade to Tailwind v3.3.3 ([#602](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/602))
@ -28,6 +32,14 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
- URL to Congo project in footer used deprecated git.io short link ([#605](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/issues/605))
- Various typos in the docs and example site ([#608](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/608), [#609](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/609), [#613](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/613))
- Incorrect `render` value is used in the 'external' archetype ([#630](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/630))
- Images are missing `width` and `height` attributes ([#645](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/645))
- Minor CSS improvements, mainly relating to RTL styling
### Removed
- Locales no longer appear next to the site name/logo as they are now part of the menu system ([#583](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/issues/583))
- Language parameters `isoCode` and `displayName` are no longer supported ([#583](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/issues/583))
- Meta `content-language` tag as it was not conveying the intended data (which is already inclded via the HTML `lang` attribute)
## [2.6.1] - 2023-06-04
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@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
languageCode = "en"
languageName = "English"
languageDirection = "ltr"
weight = 1
title = "Congo"
# copyright = "Copy, _right?_ :thinking_face:"
isoCode = "en"
displayName = "EN"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "2 January 2006"
# mainSections = ["section1", "section2"]
@ -31,6 +31,12 @@
action = "search"
identifier = "locale"
weight = 100
action = "locale"
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
languageCode = "de-de"
languageCode = "de-DE"
languageName = "Deutsch (Deutschland)"
languageDirection = "ltr"
weight = 4
title = "Congo"
copyright = "© 2023 Congo contributors"
isoCode = "de-de"
displayName = ":de:"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "2. January 2006"
mainSections = ["samples"]
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
languageCode = "en-au"
languageCode = "en-AU"
languageName = "English (Australia)"
languageDirection = "ltr"
weight = 1
title = "Congo"
copyright = "© 2023 Congo contributors"
isoCode = "en-AU"
displayName = ":flag-au:"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "2 January 2006"
mainSections = ["samples"]
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
languageCode = "es-mx"
languageCode = "es-MX"
languageName = "Español (México)"
languageDirection = "ltr"
weight = 2
title = "Congo"
copyright = "© 2023 Congo contributors"
isoCode = "es-MX"
displayName = ":flag-mx:"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "2 January 2006"
mainSections = ["samples"]
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
languageCode = "ja"
languageName = "日本語"
languageDirection = "ltr"
weight = 2
title = "Congo"
copyright = "© 2023 Congo contributors"
isoCode = "ja"
displayName = ":jp:"
rtl = false
dateFormat = "2006年1月2日"
mainSections = ["samples"]
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
action = "search"
identifier = "locale"
weight = 100
action = "locale"
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
action = "search"
identifier = "locale"
weight = 100
action = "locale"
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
action = "search"
identifier = "locale"
weight = 100
action = "locale"
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
action = "search"
identifier = "locale"
weight = 100
action = "locale"
# -- Footer Menu --
# The footer menu is displayed at the bottom of the page, just before
# the copyright notice. Configure as per the main menu above.
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@ -89,14 +89,12 @@ Congoは現在、以下の言語に対応しています:
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
|`languageCode`|`"en"`|このファイルの言語コード。トップレベル言語 (例 `en`)またはサブ変数 (例 `en-au`)で、ファイル名の `[language-code]` と一致する必要があります。Hugoはこの値が常に小文字であることを期待しています。HTMLに正しく準拠するためには、大文字と小文字を区別する `params.isoCode` パラメーターを設定してください。|
|`languageCode`|`"en"`|このファイルの言語コード。トップレベル言語 (例 `en`)またはサブ変数 (例 `en-AU`)で、ファイル名の `[language-code]` と一致する必要があります。|
|`languageDirection`|`"ltr"`|RTL言語かどうか。 `"rtl"` に設定すると、コンテンツを右から左にリフローする。CongoはRTL言語とLTR言語の同時使用を完全にサポートしており、動的に両方の言語に調整します。|
|`copyright`|_Not set_|サイトのフッターに表示する著作権メッセージを含むMarkdown文字列。何も指定されない場合、Congoは `title` を使って自動的にコピーライト文字列を生成します。|
|`params.isoCode`|`"en"`|HTMLメタデータ用のISO言語コード。トップレベル言語 (例 `en`)またはサブバリアント (例 `en-AU`)です。|
|`params.rtl`|`false`|RTL言語かどうか。 `true` に設定すると、コンテンツを右から左にリフローする。CongoはRTL言語とLTR言語の同時使用を完全にサポートしており、動的に両方の言語に調整します。|
|`params.dateFormat`|`"2 January 2006"`|日付の書式。許容される書式については、[Hugo docs](https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#gos-layout-string)を参照してください。|
|`params.mainSections`|_Not set_|最近の記事リストに表示するセクション。指定されていない場合は、記事の数が最も多いセクションが使われます。|
|`params.description`|_Not set_|ウェブサイトの説明。これはサイトのメタデータに使用されます。|
@ -89,14 +89,12 @@ The default file can be used as a template to create additional languages, or re
<!-- prettier-ignore-start -->
|`languageCode`|`"en"`|The Hugo language code for this file. It can be a top-level language (ie. `en`) or a sub-variant (ie. `en-au`) and should match the language code in the filename. Hugo expects this value to always be in lowercase. For proper HTML compliance, set the `params.isoCode` parameter which is case-sensitive.|
|`languageCode`|`"en"`|The Hugo language code for this file. It can be a top-level language (ie. `en`) or a sub-variant (ie. `en-AU`) and should match the language code in the filename.|
|`languageName`|`"English"`|The name of the language.|
|`languageDirection`|`"ltr"`|Whether or not this is an RTL language. Set to `"rtl"` to reflow content from right-to-left. Congo fully supports using RTL and LTR languages at the same time and will dynamically adjust to both.|
|`weight`|`1`|The weight determines the order of languages when building multilingual sites.|
|`title`|`"Congo"`|The title of the website. This will be displayed in the site header and footer.|
|`copyright`|_Not set_|A Markdown string containing the copyright message to be displayed in the site footer. If none is provided, Congo will automatically generate a copyright string using the site `title`.|
|`params.isoCode`|`"en"`|The ISO language code for HTML metadata purposes. It can be a top-level language (ie. `en`) or a sub-variant (ie. `en-AU`).|
|`params.displayName`|`"EN"`|The name used when the language appears on the website.|
|`params.rtl`|`false`|Whether or not this is a RTL language. Set to `true` to reflow content from right-to-left. Congo fully supports using RTL and LTR languages at the same time and will dynamically adjust to both.|
|`params.dateFormat`|`"2 January 2006"`|How dates are formatted in this language. Refer to the [Hugo docs](https://gohugo.io/functions/format/#gos-layout-string) for acceptable formats.|
|`params.mainSections`|_Not set_|The sections that should be displayed in the recent articles list. If not provided the section with the greatest number of articles is used.|
|`params.description`|_Not set_|The website description. This will be used in the site metadata.|
@ -231,9 +231,10 @@ Further customisation can be achieved through the use of special theme parameter
There is a special case for creating menu items for links that take theme actions. These are denoted using the `action` parameter, and a value of the action the link should perform. Action links allow for all the same custom parameters as other links and can be styled with an icon or text name.
There are two valid theme actions:
There are three valid theme actions:
- `appearance` will create a link to the appearance switcher
- `locale` will create a drop down picker to access translated content
- `search` will create a link to the site search
Both menus are completely optional and can be commented out if not required. Use the template provided in the default file as a guide.
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Die vollständige Liste der integrierten Icons und ihre entsprechenden Namen fin
| blogger | {{< icon blogger >}} |
| bug | {{< icon bug >}} |
| check | {{< icon check >}} |
| chevron-down | {{< icon chevron-down >}} |
| chevron-up | {{< icon chevron-up >}} |
| circle-info | {{< icon circle-info >}} |
| codepen | {{< icon codepen >}} |
| comment | {{< icon comment >}} |
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ Die vollständige Liste der integrierten Icons und ihre entsprechenden Namen fin
| foursquare | {{< icon foursquare >}} |
| github | {{< icon github >}} |
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ Die vollständige Liste der integrierten Icons und ihre entsprechenden Namen fin
| tag | {{< icon tag >}} |
| telegram | {{< icon telegram >}} |
| tiktok | {{< icon tiktok >}} |
| translate | {{< icon translate >}} |
| triangle-exclamation | {{< icon triangle-exclamation >}} |
| tumblr | {{< icon tumblr >}} |
| twitch | {{< icon twitch >}} |
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ La lista completa de íconos incorporados y sus nombres correspondientes se pued
| blogger | {{< icon blogger >}} |
| bug | {{< icon bug >}} |
| check | {{< icon check >}} |
| chevron-down | {{< icon chevron-down >}} |
| chevron-up | {{< icon chevron-up >}} |
| circle-info | {{< icon circle-info >}} |
| codepen | {{< icon codepen >}} |
| comment | {{< icon comment >}} |
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ La lista completa de íconos incorporados y sus nombres correspondientes se pued
| foursquare | {{< icon foursquare >}} |
| github | {{< icon github >}} |
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ La lista completa de íconos incorporados y sus nombres correspondientes se pued
| tag | {{< icon tag >}} |
| telegram | {{< icon telegram >}} |
| tiktok | {{< icon tiktok >}} |
| translate | {{< icon translate >}} |
| triangle-exclamation | {{< icon triangle-exclamation >}} |
| tumblr | {{< icon tumblr >}} |
| twitch | {{< icon twitch >}} |
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Congoは[FontAwesome 6](https://fontawesome.com/icons)のアイコンをサポ
| blogger | {{< icon blogger >}} |
| bug | {{< icon bug >}} |
| check | {{< icon check >}} |
| chevron-down | {{< icon chevron-down >}} |
| chevron-up | {{< icon chevron-up >}} |
| circle-info | {{< icon circle-info >}} |
| codepen | {{< icon codepen >}} |
| comment | {{< icon comment >}} |
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ Congoは[FontAwesome 6](https://fontawesome.com/icons)のアイコンをサポ
| foursquare | {{< icon foursquare >}} |
| github | {{< icon github >}} |
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ Congoは[FontAwesome 6](https://fontawesome.com/icons)のアイコンをサポ
| tag | {{< icon tag >}} |
| telegram | {{< icon telegram >}} |
| tiktok | {{< icon tiktok >}} |
| translate | {{< icon translate >}} |
| triangle-exclamation | {{< icon triangle-exclamation >}} |
| tumblr | {{< icon tumblr >}} |
| twitch | {{< icon twitch >}} |
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ The full list of built-in icons and their corresponding names can referenced bel
| blogger | {{< icon blogger >}} |
| bug | {{< icon bug >}} |
| check | {{< icon check >}} |
| chevron-down | {{< icon chevron-down >}} |
| chevron-up | {{< icon chevron-up >}} |
| circle-info | {{< icon circle-info >}} |
| codepen | {{< icon codepen >}} |
| comment | {{< icon comment >}} |
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ The full list of built-in icons and their corresponding names can referenced bel
| foursquare | {{< icon foursquare >}} |
| github | {{< icon github >}} |
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ The full list of built-in icons and their corresponding names can referenced bel
| tag | {{< icon tag >}} |
| telegram | {{< icon telegram >}} |
| tiktok | {{< icon tiktok >}} |
| translate | {{< icon translate >}} |
| triangle-exclamation | {{< icon triangle-exclamation >}} |
| tumblr | {{< icon tumblr >}} |
| twitch | {{< icon twitch >}} |
@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
{{ if eq .MediaType.SubType "svg" }}
src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
width="{{ .Width }}"
height="{{ .Height }}"
{{ if lt .Width 660 }}
src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
@ -2,17 +2,11 @@
{{- partial "partials/functions/init.html" . -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
lang="{{ with .Site.Params.isoCode | default (.Site.LanguageCode | default "en") }}
{{- . -}}
{{ end }}"
dir="{{ if .Site.Params.rtl | default false -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- end }}"
lang="{{- site.Language.LanguageCode | default "" -}}"
dir="{{- site.Language.LanguageDirection | default "ltr" -}}"
data-default-appearance="{{ .Site.Params.defaultAppearance | default "light" }}"
data-auto-appearance="{{ .Site.Params.autoSwitchAppearance | default "true" }}"
data-default-appearance="{{- .Site.Params.defaultAppearance | default "light" -}}"
data-auto-appearance="{{- .Site.Params.autoSwitchAppearance | default "true" -}}"
{{- partial "head.html" . -}}
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
{{ if eq .MediaType.SubType "svg" }}
src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
width="{{ .Width }}"
height="{{ .Height }}"
{{ if lt .Width 660 }}
src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
{{- (.Fill "160x120 smart").RelPermalink }}
160w, {{- (.Fill "320x240 smart").RelPermalink }} 2x"
src="{{ (.Fill "160x120 smart").RelPermalink }}"
{{ end }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableImageLazyLoading | default true }}
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<nav class="pb-4 text-base font-medium text-neutral-500 dark:text-neutral-400">
<ul class="flex list-none flex-col sm:flex-row">
{{ range .Site.Menus.footer }}
<li class="group mb-1 ltr:text-right rtl:text-left sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
<li class="group mb-1 text-end sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
{{ partial "icon.html" "sun" }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" (dict "ctx" . "dir" "up") }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
@ -95,6 +98,13 @@
{{ end }}
<div class="flex flex-row items-center">
{{/* Locale switcher */}}
{{ if and (.IsTranslated) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "localeCount") 0) }}
{{ partial "translations.html" (dict "ctx" . "dir" "up") }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Appearance switcher */}}
{{ if .Site.Params.footer.showAppearanceSwitcher | default false }}
@ -119,6 +129,7 @@
{{ end }}
{{/* Extend footer - eg. for extra scripts, etc. */}}
{{ if templates.Exists "partials/extend-footer.html" }}
{{ partial "extend-footer.html" . }}
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
{{ $.Scratch.Set "searchCount" 0 }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "switchCount" 0 }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "localeCount" 0 }}
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
<meta charset="utf-8" />
{{ with site.Params.htmlCode | default .Site.LanguageCode }}
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="{{ . }}" />
{{ end }}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="theme-color" content="rgb(255,255,255)" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
@ -17,7 +14,7 @@
{{/* Metadata */}}
<meta name="description" content="{{ with .Description }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ if .IsPage }}{{ .Summary }}{{ else }}{{ with .Site.Params.description }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}" />
{{ with union .Site.Params.keywords .Params.keywords -}}
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ delimit . `, `}}" />
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ delimit . `, ` }}" />
{{- end }}
{{ with .Site.Params.robots }}
<meta name="robots" content="{{ . }}" />
@ -58,11 +55,16 @@
{{ $jsSearch := resources.Get "js/search.js" }}
{{ $assets.Add "js" (slice $jsFuse $jsSearch) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.enableQuicklink | default false }}
{{ $jsQuicklink := resources.Get "lib/quicklink/quicklink.umd.js" }}
{{ $jsQuicklinkInit := resources.Get "js/quicklink.js" }}
{{ $assets.Add "js" (slice $jsQuicklink $jsQuicklinkInit) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.enableCodeCopy | default false }}
{{ $jsCode := resources.Get "js/code.js" }}
{{ $assets.Add "js" (slice $jsCode) }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.rtl | default false }}
{{ if eq (site.Language.LanguageDirection | default "ltr") "rtl" }}
{{ $jsRTL := resources.Get "js/rtl.js" }}
{{ $assets.Add "js" (slice $jsRTL) }}
{{ end }}
@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
{{/* Site logo/title */}}
<div class="flex flex-row items-center">
{{ partial "logo.html" . }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{/* Main menu */}}
{{ if or .Site.Menus.main (.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) }}
<ul class="flex list-none flex-col ltr:text-right rtl:text-left sm:flex-row">
<ul class="flex list-none flex-col text-end sm:flex-row">
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="group mb-1 sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0.5">
@ -68,6 +67,9 @@
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
{{/* Site logo/title */}}
<div class="z-40 flex flex-row items-center">
{{ partial "logo.html" . }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{/* Hamburger menu */}}
{{ if or .Site.Menus.main (.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) }}
@ -14,10 +13,10 @@
class="fixed inset-0 z-30 invisible w-full h-full m-auto overflow-auto transition-opacity opacity-0 cursor-default bg-neutral-100/50 backdrop-blur-sm dark:bg-neutral-900/50"
class="invisible fixed inset-0 z-30 m-auto h-full w-full cursor-default overflow-auto bg-neutral-100/50 opacity-0 backdrop-blur-sm transition-opacity dark:bg-neutral-900/50"
class="flex flex-col w-full px-6 py-6 mx-auto overflow-visible list-none max-w-7xl ltr:text-right rtl:text-left sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
class="mx-auto flex w-full max-w-7xl list-none flex-col overflow-visible px-6 py-6 text-end sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
<li class="mb-1">
<span class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400"
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
<li class="group mb-1">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
class="group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
class="group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 inline transition-colors group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
class="group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 hidden transition-colors group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
@ -84,6 +83,9 @@
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
class="group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
@ -106,10 +108,10 @@
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
<li class="group mb-1">
<button id="search-button-m0" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
class="group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
{{/* Site logo/title */}}
<div class="z-40 flex flex-row items-center">
{{ partial "logo.html" . }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ if or .Site.Menus.main (.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) }}
{{/* Hamburger menu */}}
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@
class="invisible fixed inset-0 z-30 m-auto h-full w-full cursor-default overflow-auto bg-neutral-100/50 opacity-0 backdrop-blur-sm transition-opacity dark:bg-neutral-900/50"
class="mx-auto flex w-full max-w-7xl list-none flex-col overflow-visible px-6 py-6 ltr:text-right rtl:text-left sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
class="mx-auto flex w-full max-w-7xl list-none flex-col overflow-visible px-6 py-6 text-end sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
<li class="mb-1">
<span class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400"
@ -84,6 +83,9 @@
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@
{{/* Basic menu */}}
<ul class="hidden list-none flex-row ltr:text-right rtl:text-left sm:flex">
<ul class="hidden list-none flex-row text-end sm:flex">
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
<li class="group mb-1 sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
@ -182,6 +184,9 @@
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
@ -1,16 +1,60 @@
{{ if .IsTranslated }}
{{- $ctx := "" -}}
{{- $dir := default "down" -}}
{{- if (reflect.IsMap . ) -}}
{{- $ctx = .ctx -}}
{{- $dir = cond (not .dir) nil .dir -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $ctx = . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{ with page }}
{{ if .IsTranslated }}
{{ $currentLang := .Page.Lang }}
<ul class="flex list-none flex-row">
{{ range .AllTranslations }}
{{ if ne $currentLang .Lang }}
<li class="ml-2">
href="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
class="decoration-primary-500 hover:underline hover:decoration-2 hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Site.Params.displayName | emojify }}</a
{{ if site.IsMultiLingual }}
<div class="relative group">
class="flex items-center justify-end w-full transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "translate" }}<span class="text-sm">{{ .Lang | upper }}</span
><span class="text-[0.6rem]"
>{{ partial "icon.html" (cond (eq $dir "down") "chevron-down" "chevron-up") }}</span
{{ if eq $dir "down" }}
<div class="invisible w-full h-2 bg-transparent group-hover:visible"></div>
{{ end }}
class="{{ cond (eq $dir "down") "top-8" "bottom-7" }} invisible absolute ltr:right-0 rtl:left-0 z-50 flex flex-col whitespace-nowrap rounded border border-neutral-300 bg-neutral text-start text-base shadow group-hover:visible dark:border-neutral-600 dark:bg-neutral-800"
{{ $siteLanguages := site.Languages }}
{{ $pageLang := .Page.Lang }}
{{ range .Page.AllTranslations }}
{{ $translation := . }}
{{ range $siteLanguages }}
{{ if eq $translation.Lang .Lang }}
{{ $selected := false }}
<div class="flex flex-grow">
{{ if eq $pageLang .Lang }}
href="{{ $translation.RelPermalink }}"
class="flex items-center justify-between w-full px-2 py-1 bg-primary-100 dark:bg-primary-900"
>{{ .LanguageName }}<span
class="w-6 ms-2 text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-400"
>{{ partial "icon.html" "check" }}</span
{{ else }}
href="{{ $translation.RelPermalink }}"
class="w-full py-1 pe-10 ps-2 decoration-primary-500 hover:underline hover:decoration-2 hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .LanguageName }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
User-agent: *
{{- if hugo.IsProduction | or (eq .Site.Params.env "production") }}
Allow: /
{{- else }}
Disallow: /
{{- end }}
Sitemap: {{ "sitemap.xml" | absURL }}
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
{{ if eq .MediaType.SubType "svg" }}
src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
width="{{ .Width }}"
height="{{ .Height }}"
{{ if lt .Width 660 }}
src="{{ .RelPermalink }}"
{{ else }}
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
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