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3 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Wolf Noble | 636c6811ff | |
James Panther | 1373cfd3e4 | |
Wolf Noble | ea7d67c735 |
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Code of Conduct - Congo
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
## Our Standards
Examples of behaviour that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
- Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
- Accepting responsibility and apologising to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
- Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community
Examples of unacceptable behaviour include:
- The use of sexualised language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances
- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behaviour and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behaviour.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviours that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behaviour may be reported to the [project maintainer](https://github.com/jpanther/). All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](https://contributor-covenant.org/), version [1.4](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct/code_of_conduct.md) and [2.0](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/code_of_conduct.md), and was generated by [contributing-gen](https://github.com/bttger/contributing-gen).
@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
colorScheme = "congo"
defaultAppearance = "light" # valid options: light or dark
debug = false
themeColorMap = "congo"
tailwindMap = "twcolormap"
autoSwitchAppearance = true
enableSearch = false
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"themeColors": [
{ "cherry": {
"neutral": "neutral",
"primary": "rose",
"secondary": "green"
{ "congo": {
"neutral": "gray",
"primary": "violet",
"secondary": "fuchsia"
{ "fire": {
"neutral": "stone",
"primary": "orange",
"secondary": "rose"
{ "ocean": {
"neutral": "slate",
"primary": "blue",
"secondary": "cyan"
{ "sapphire": {
"neutral": "slate",
"primary": "indigo",
"secondary": "pink"
{ "avocado": {
"neutral": "stone",
"primary": "lime",
"secondary": "emerald"
{ "slate": {
"neutral": "gray",
"primary": "slate",
"secondary": "gray"
"colorWeights": {
"neutral": "400",
"primary": "600",
"secondary": "400"
"fallbackWeight": "100"
@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
"slate": {
"50": "#f8fafc",
"100": "#f1f5f9",
"200": "#e2e8f0",
"300": "#cbd5e1",
"400": "#94a3b8",
"500": "#64748b",
"600": "#475569",
"700": "#334155",
"800": "#1e293b",
"900": "#0f172a"
"gray": {
"50": "#f9fafb",
"100": "#f3f4f6",
"200": "#e5e7eb",
"300": "#d1d5db",
"400": "#9ca3af",
"500": "#6b7280",
"600": "#4b5563",
"700": "#374151",
"800": "#1f2937",
"900": "#111827"
"zinc": {
"50": "#fafafa",
"100": "#f4f4f5",
"200": "#e4e4e7",
"300": "#d4d4d8",
"400": "#a1a1aa",
"500": "#71717a",
"600": "#52525b",
"700": "#3f3f46",
"800": "#27272a",
"900": "#18181b"
"neutral": {
"50": "#fafafa",
"100": "#f5f5f5",
"200": "#e5e5e5",
"300": "#d4d4d4",
"400": "#a3a3a3",
"500": "#737373",
"600": "#525252",
"700": "#404040",
"800": "#262626",
"900": "#171717"
"stone": {
"50": "#fafaf9",
"100": "#f5f5f4",
"200": "#e7e5e4",
"300": "#d6d3d1",
"400": "#a8a29e",
"500": "#78716c",
"600": "#57534e",
"700": "#44403c",
"800": "#292524",
"900": "#1c1917"
"red": {
"50": "#fef2f2",
"100": "#fee2e2",
"200": "#fecaca",
"300": "#fca5a5",
"400": "#f87171",
"500": "#ef4444",
"600": "#dc2626",
"700": "#b91c1c",
"800": "#991b1b",
"900": "#7f1d1d"
"orange": {
"50": "#fff7ed",
"100": "#ffedd5",
"200": "#fed7aa",
"300": "#fdba74",
"400": "#fb923c",
"500": "#f97316",
"600": "#ea580c",
"700": "#c2410c",
"800": "#9a3412",
"900": "#7c2d12"
"amber": {
"50": "#fffbeb",
"100": "#fef3c7",
"200": "#fde68a",
"300": "#fcd34d",
"400": "#fbbf24",
"500": "#f59e0b",
"600": "#d97706",
"700": "#b45309",
"800": "#92400e",
"900": "#78350f"
"yellow": {
"50": "#fefce8",
"100": "#fef9c3",
"200": "#fef08a",
"300": "#fde047",
"400": "#facc15",
"500": "#eab308",
"600": "#ca8a04",
"700": "#a16207",
"800": "#854d0e",
"900": "#713f12"
"lime": {
"50": "#f7fee7",
"100": "#ecfccb",
"200": "#d9f99d",
"300": "#bef264",
"400": "#a3e635",
"500": "#84cc16",
"600": "#65a30d",
"700": "#4d7c0f",
"800": "#3f6212",
"900": "#365314"
"green": {
"50": "#f0fdf4",
"100": "#dcfce7",
"200": "#bbf7d0",
"300": "#86efac",
"400": "#4ade80",
"500": "#22c55e",
"600": "#16a34a",
"700": "#15803d",
"800": "#166534",
"900": "#14532d"
"emerald": {
"50": "#ecfdf5",
"100": "#d1fae5",
"200": "#a7f3d0",
"300": "#6ee7b7",
"400": "#34d399",
"500": "#10b981",
"600": "#059669",
"700": "#047857",
"800": "#065f46",
"900": "#064e3b"
"teal": {
"50": "#f0fdfa",
"100": "#ccfbf1",
"200": "#99f6e4",
"300": "#5eead4",
"400": "#2dd4bf",
"500": "#14b8a6",
"600": "#0d9488",
"700": "#0f766e",
"800": "#115e59",
"900": "#134e4a"
"cyan": {
"50": "#ecfeff",
"100": "#cffafe",
"200": "#a5f3fc",
"300": "#67e8f9",
"400": "#22d3ee",
"500": "#06b6d4",
"600": "#0891b2",
"700": "#0e7490",
"800": "#155e75",
"900": "#164e63"
"sky": {
"50": "#f0f9ff",
"100": "#e0f2fe",
"200": "#bae6fd",
"300": "#7dd3fc",
"400": "#38bdf8",
"500": "#0ea5e9",
"600": "#0284c7",
"700": "#0369a1",
"800": "#075985",
"900": "#0c4a6e"
"blue": {
"50": "#eff6ff",
"100": "#dbeafe",
"200": "#bfdbfe",
"300": "#93c5fd",
"400": "#60a5fa",
"500": "#3b82f6",
"600": "#2563eb",
"700": "#1d4ed8",
"800": "#1e40af",
"900": "#1e3a8a"
"indigo": {
"50": "#eef2ff",
"100": "#e0e7ff",
"200": "#c7d2fe",
"300": "#a5b4fc",
"400": "#818cf8",
"500": "#6366f1",
"600": "#4f46e5",
"700": "#4338ca",
"800": "#3730a3",
"900": "#312e81"
"violet": {
"50": "#f5f3ff",
"100": "#ede9fe",
"200": "#ddd6fe",
"300": "#c4b5fd",
"400": "#a78bfa",
"500": "#8b5cf6",
"600": "#7c3aed",
"700": "#6d28d9",
"800": "#5b21b6",
"900": "#4c1d95"
"purple": {
"50": "#faf5ff",
"100": "#f3e8ff",
"200": "#e9d5ff",
"300": "#d8b4fe",
"400": "#c084fc",
"500": "#a855f7",
"600": "#9333ea",
"700": "#7e22ce",
"800": "#6b21a8",
"900": "#581c87"
"fuchsia": {
"50": "#fdf4ff",
"100": "#fae8ff",
"200": "#f5d0fe",
"300": "#f0abfc",
"400": "#e879f9",
"500": "#d946ef",
"600": "#c026d3",
"700": "#a21caf",
"800": "#86198f",
"900": "#701a75"
"pink": {
"50": "#fdf2f8",
"100": "#fce7f3",
"200": "#fbcfe8",
"300": "#f9a8d4",
"400": "#f472b6",
"500": "#ec4899",
"600": "#db2777",
"700": "#be185d",
"800": "#9d174d",
"900": "#831843"
"rose": {
"50": "#fff1f2",
"100": "#ffe4e6",
"200": "#fecdd3",
"300": "#fda4af",
"400": "#fb7185",
"500": "#f43f5e",
"600": "#e11d48",
"700": "#be123c",
"800": "#9f1239",
"900": "#881337"
@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
{{- /* util/divineRGBVal consume a tailwind color name and weight, return RGB val in hex format. */ -}}
{{- $rgbItchy := newScratch -}}
{{- $themeColors := newScratch -}}
{{- $debug := (site.Params.divineRGBVals.debug|default false) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "logPrefix" "[util/divineRGBVal.html] " -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "debugPrefix" (print "[DEBUG]" ( $rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix" )) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s Debug enabled" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" false -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "twLookupSource" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.tailwindMap |default nil ) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" "#000000" -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "themeSource" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.themeColorMap|default "site.Data.congo") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "twLookupSource" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.tailwindMap |default nil ) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "schemeColors" nil -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "primary" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.primary |default nil) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "secondary" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.secondary |default nil) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "neutral" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.neutral |default nil) -}}
{{- $colorSchemeName := $rgbItchy.Get "scheme" -}}
{{- $ctx := .context -}}
{{- $color := (.color|default nil) -}}
{{- $shade := (.shade|default nil) -}}
{{- $scheme := (.scheme |default nil ) -}}
{{- $return := (.return |default "RGB" ) -}}
{{- $validReturns := slice "RGB" "TWColor" "TWColorShade" -}}
{{- if in $validReturns $return -}}
{{- if and $debug (ne $return "RGB") -}}
{{- warnf "%s ---- Return set to: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") (string $return) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "return" $return -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- warnf "%s xxxx Unsupported value of %s set for return. Setting to 'RGB' instead." ($rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix") $return -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "return" "RGB" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $scheme -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "scheme" $scheme -}}
{{- if ne $scheme ( site.Params.colorScheme ) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" true -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-. Requested colorScheme '%s' differs from scheme '%s' read from site.Params.colorScheme. Lookup will be necessary." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") (site.Params.colorScheme) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "scheme" ( site.Params.colorScheme ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-. Theme colorScheme not provided on invocation. Read '%s' from site.Params.colorScheme." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $shade -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+.. Shade given: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") (string $shade) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (strings.HasSuffix $shade "0") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" (string $shade) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .-.. Shade ends with 0 : %s " ($rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $color -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +... Color given: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ( strings.Contains $color "-" ) (strings.HasSuffix $color "0") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -... Color %s seems to be a tailwind-style (color)-(shade)" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* TODO: There has to be a better way to achieve this ????? */ -}}
{{- $c := strings.Split $color "-" -}}
{{- $col := delimit (first 1 $c) "" -}}
{{- $shd := delimit ( last 1 $c) "" -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s --.. Color/Shade: %s %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $col $shd -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ($shade) (ne $shd (string $shade)) -}}
{{- warnf "%s --.. We were fed a tailwind-style color-shade ( %s ) and a shade (%s). %s and %s are not the same value. Please provide one or the other. " ( $rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix") $color (string $shade) $shd (string $shade) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "color" $col -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" $shd -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ++.. Set Scratch vars Color: %s Shade: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ( $rgbItchy.Get "color") ( $rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s --.. Color '%s' doesn't seem to be a tailwind-style (color)-(shade) combo. " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "color" $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if in ( slice "primary" "secondary" "neutral") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -.-. Color '%s' references a theme-abstracted value. Further divination required" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" true -}}
{{- if not ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--. Desired Shade unknown. Will lookup theme-value default for %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+.. Desired Shade: %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" true -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--. Desired Shade unknown. Will lookup default for %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /*
At this point, we should know if
- we need to lookup theme-specific colormap
- we need to lookup default shades
*/ -}}
{{- if ($rgbItchy.Get "needThemeLookup") -}}
{{- /* We need to lookup theme-specific information to return the requested color */ -}}
{{- if not (strings.HasSuffix ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") "0") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--? Shade not provided on invocation. Determining fallback value for '%s'." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $themeData := (index site.Data ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource")) -}}
{{- range $wK, $wV := $themeData.colorWeights -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--. Iterating default weights: %s %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $wK ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $wK ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" $wV -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+-. Found weight for K:%s. Set shade to:%s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $wK ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (strings.HasSuffix ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") "0") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +--. Default shade for %s not found. Fetching fallback value." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" $themeData.fallbackWeight -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+-. Shade value set to fallback: %s." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* shade should be set no matter what now. */ -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- errorf "%s xxx. Theme DataFile %s not accessible, and color shade not provided. Sorry Charlie." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "primary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "secondary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "neutral") nil) -}}
{{- /* we need to find the Tailwind colors for our theme. */ -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -.-? %s Scheme Color names unknown. Shortcut this by setting Site params.divineRGBVals.(primary,secondary,neutral) to the values discerned from divination." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $themeData := (index site.Data ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource")) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-? Theme Datafile %s Accessible " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $tK, $tV := $themeData.themeColors -}}
{{- if and (reflect.IsMap $tV) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "primary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "secondary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "neutral") nil) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -.-? Iterating themeData: K:%d V:%s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $tV -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $label, $blob := $tV -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-? Evaluating Scheme %d Name:%s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $label -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $label ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") -}}
{{- /* we got a match. assign the match to an element in our scratch object */ -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "schemeColors" $blob -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..*? Matched Scheme %s! P: %s, S: %s N: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") ($rgbItchy.Get "schemeColors").primary ($rgbItchy.Get "schemeColors").secondary ($rgbItchy.Get "schemeColors").neutral }}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $colorRole, $colorName := $blob -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set $colorRole $colorName -}}
{{- if not ($themeColors.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- $themeColors.Set $colorRole $colorName -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +.+? Setting the value of scratch object $rgbItchy.%s. Reading it Back to verify: %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- break -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- break -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* We don't have the lookup file for the theme's colors. */ -}}
{{- errorf "%s ..x. Theme DataFile %s not accessible, but required to proceed. Sorry.." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- range $colorRole := slice "primary" "secondary" "neutral" -}}
{{- warnf "%s +... %s color set in params as %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* we have the Tailwind colors for the requested scheme. */ -}}
{{- range $colorRole := slice "primary" "secondary" "neutral" -}}
{{- if eq $colorRole ( $rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "color" ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +.+? Color %s disambiguated to %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if or (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColor") (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColorShade" ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +..+ Returning the Tailwind Color Name for %s %s requested: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColor" -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" (printf "%s" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s *.** returnVal set to color: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "returnVal") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else if eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColorShade" -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" (printf "%s-%s" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **** returnVal set to color-shade: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "returnVal") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +.+? Role %s is %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* the lookup in question doesn't need theme-scoped data. just tailwind. */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq ( $rgbItchy.Get "return") "RGB" -}}
{{- with $tailwind := (index site.Data ($rgbItchy.Get "twLookupSource")) -}}{{- /* We have the map of tailwind colors to RGB Vals. */ -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ...- Tailwind ColorMap Datafile %s Accessible" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "twLookupSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $col := default nil -}}
{{- $shd := default nil -}}
{{- $val := default nil -}}
{{- range $tK, $tV := $tailwind -}}
{{- if not $col -}}
{{- range $cName, $cVals := $tV }}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s *..- Evaluating Tailwind Mapdata %d:%s %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $cName ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $cName ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **.+ Found color %s %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $col = $cVals -}}
{{- range $sNum, $sVal := $cVals }}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **.- Evaluating %d:%s Shades :%s %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $cName $sNum ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $sNum ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **.+ Found %s:%d RGBVal: %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") $sNum $sVal -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" $sVal -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **** ReturnVal set %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "returnVal") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* return ( $rgbItchy.Get "returnVal" ) */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* We don't have the map of tailwind colors to RGB Vals. */ -}}
{{- errorf "%s ...x Tailwind ColorMap Datafile %s not accessible." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "twLookupSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- return ( $rgbItchy.Get "returnVal" ) -}}
Reference in New Issue