mirror of https://github.com/jpanther/congo.git
Compare commits
26 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
Wen Junhua | 7a4366a925 | |
James Panther | 6cfbf4d946 | |
James Panther | 2001d17a55 | |
James Panther | 84a99f1f34 | |
James Panther | 313ed046e8 | |
James Panther | 0083219c59 | |
Wen Junhua | 9efb85e5c9 | |
Wen Junhua | f0288c6106 | |
James Panther | 6cb5dde1dd | |
Wen Junhua | 9a91dd93ce | |
Wen Junhua | aa3a3c6504 | |
Wen Junhua | 9f7047e662 | |
Wen Junhua | 444f3175aa | |
Wen Junhua | 3219dfac76 | |
James Panther | 0ac3f0e9d2 | |
Wen Junhua | baada03dd9 | |
Wen Junhua | f3125a6e75 | |
Wen Junhua | cb37292b9f | |
Wen Junhua | 2b63687c51 | |
Wen Junhua | 4aa27418b1 | |
dependabot[bot] | b314c40312 | |
dependabot[bot] | 747c995c04 | |
sussan0416 | dea1975e33 | |
Denis Koshelev | da0ea762d0 | |
Wen Junhua | 8355a69cba | |
Wen Junhua | c75289eea7 |
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- i18n/*
- changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file: i18n/*
- "*.md"
- exampleSite/content/*
- changed-files:
- any-glob-to-any-file: '**/*.md'
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
- Automatic support for WebP images ([#693](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/693))
- Warning when building if links to Markdown files cannot be resolved ([#691](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/691))
- Ability to share articles to Telegram and Line ([#719](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/719))
- New icon for `line`([#719](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/719))
- New icons for `line` and `google-scholar` ([#719](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/719), [#755](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/755))
- Table of contents will now scroll if taller than the browser height ([#733](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/733))
- Korean translation ([#731](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/731))
### Changed
@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
- ⚠️ Author params block in language configuration has been moved to `params.author` ([#704](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/704))
- Refactored image logic into a new `picture.html` partial ([#693](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/693))
- Upgrade to ChartJS v4.4.1 ([#736](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/736))
- Upgrade to Tailwind v3.3.6 ([#737](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/737))
- Upgrade to Tailwind v3.3.7 ([#737](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/737), [#752](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/752))
- Updated Japanese translation ([#750](https://github.com/jpanther/congo/pull/750))
### Fixed
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/*! Congo v2.7.6 | MIT License | https://github.com/jpanther/congo */
/*! tailwindcss v3.3.6 | MIT License | https://tailwindcss.com */
/*! tailwindcss v3.3.7 | MIT License | https://tailwindcss.com */
1. Prevent padding and border from affecting element width. (https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/4)
@ -1137,6 +1137,12 @@ body:has(#menu-controller:checked) {
/* Table of Contents */
.toc {
max-height: 100vh;
overflow-y: auto;
padding-bottom: 50px;
.toc ul,
.toc li {
list-style-type: none;
@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ body:has(#menu-controller:checked) {
/* Table of Contents */
.toc {
max-height: 100vh;
overflow-y: auto;
padding-bottom: 50px;
.toc ul,
.toc li {
@apply list-none px-0 leading-snug;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="16" width="16" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><!--!Font Awesome Free 6.5.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free Copyright 2023 Fonticons, Inc.--><path fill="currentColor" d="M390.9 298.5c0 0 0 .1 .1 .1c9.2 19.4 14.4 41.1 14.4 64C405.3 445.1 338.5 512 256 512s-149.3-66.9-149.3-149.3c0-22.9 5.2-44.6 14.4-64h0c1.7-3.6 3.6-7.2 5.6-10.7c4.4-7.6 9.4-14.7 15-21.3c27.4-32.6 68.5-53.3 114.4-53.3c33.6 0 64.6 11.1 89.6 29.9c9.1 6.9 17.4 14.7 24.8 23.5c5.6 6.6 10.6 13.8 15 21.3c2 3.4 3.8 7 5.5 10.5zm26.4-18.8c-30.1-58.4-91-98.4-161.3-98.4s-131.2 40-161.3 98.4L0 202.7 256 0 512 202.7l-94.7 77.1z"/></svg>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 689 B |
@ -59,4 +59,5 @@ title = "Congo"
# { whatsapp = "https://wa.me/phone-number" },
# { x-twitter = "https://twitter.com/username" },
# { youtube = "https://youtube.com/username" },
# { google-scholar = "https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=user-id"}
# ]
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ enableQuicklink = true
fingerprintAlgorithm = "sha256"
layout = "basic" # valid options: basic, hamburger, hybrid, custom
layout = "hybrid" # valid options: basic, hamburger, hybrid, custom
# logo = "img/logo.jpg"
# logoDark = "img/dark-logo.jpg"
showTitle = true
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Die vollständige Liste der integrierten Icons und ihre entsprechenden Namen fin
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| google-scholar | {{< icon google-scholar >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
| keybase | {{< icon keybase >}} |
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ La lista completa de íconos incorporados y sus nombres correspondientes se pued
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| google-scholar | {{< icon google-scholar >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
| keybase | {{< icon keybase >}} |
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Congo は[FontAwesome 6](https://fontawesome.com/icons)のアイコンをサポ
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| google-scholar | {{< icon google-scholar >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
| keybase | {{< icon keybase >}} |
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ The full list of built-in icons and their corresponding names can referenced bel
| gitlab | {{< icon gitlab >}} |
| globe | {{< icon globe >}} |
| google | {{< icon google >}} |
| google-scholar | {{< icon google-scholar >}} |
| hashnode | {{< icon hashnode >}} |
| instagram | {{< icon instagram >}} |
| keybase | {{< icon keybase >}} |
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sharing:
email: " Eメールを送る"
facebook: "Facebookでシェアする"
linkedin: "LinkedInでシェアする"
# mastodon: "Toot on Mastodon"
mastodon: "Mastodonに投稿する"
pinterest: "Pinterestでピンする"
reddit: "Redditに投稿する"
twitter: "Twitterに投稿する"
@ -7,105 +7,7 @@
{{/* Main menu */}}
{{ if or .Site.Menus.main (.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) }}
<ul class="flex flex-col list-none text-end sm:flex-row">
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ if and (eq .Params.action "locale") (or (not page.IsTranslated) (not site.IsMultiLingual)) }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
<li class="group mb-1 sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0.5">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
id="search-button-{{ $.Scratch.Get "searchCount" }}"
title="{{ .Title | default (i18n "search.open_button_title") }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "appearance" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "switchCount" 1 }}
id="appearance-switcher-{{ $.Scratch.Get "switchCount" }}"
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
{{ partial "icon.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Params.showName | default true }}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
title="{{ .Title }}"
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
<button id="search-button-m0" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "header/basic/basic-content.html" . }}
{{ end }}
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ if and (eq .Params.action "locale") (or (not page.IsTranslated) (not site.IsMultiLingual)) }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
<li class="group mb-1 sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
id="search-button-{{ $.Scratch.Get "searchCount" }}"
title="{{ .Title | default (i18n "search.open_button_title") }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "appearance" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "switchCount" 1 }}
id="appearance-switcher-{{ $.Scratch.Get "switchCount" }}"
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
{{ partial "icon.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Params.showName | default true }}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
title="{{ .Title }}"
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
<button id="search-button-m0" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -7,124 +7,7 @@
{{/* Hamburger menu */}}
{{ if or .Site.Menus.main (.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) }}
<label id="menu-button" for="menu-controller" class="block">
<input type="checkbox" id="menu-controller" class="hidden" />
<div class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400">
{{ partial "icon.html" "bars" }}
class="fixed inset-0 z-30 invisible w-full h-full m-auto overflow-auto transition-opacity opacity-0 cursor-default bg-neutral-100/50 backdrop-blur-sm dark:bg-neutral-900/50"
class="flex flex-col w-full px-6 py-6 mx-auto overflow-visible list-none max-w-7xl text-end sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
<li class="mb-1">
<span class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400"
>{{ partial "icon.html" "xmark" }}</span
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ if and (eq .Params.action "locale") (or (not page.IsTranslated) (not site.IsMultiLingual)) }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
id="search-button-{{ $.Scratch.Get "searchCount" }}"
title="{{ .Title | default (i18n "search.open_button_title") }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "appearance" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "switchCount" 1 }}
id="appearance-switcher-{{ $.Scratch.Get "switchCount" }}"
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
title="{{ .Title }}"
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
<button id="search-button-m0" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "header/hamburger/hamburger-content.html" . }}
{{ end }}
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
<input type="checkbox" id="menu-controller" class="hidden" />
<div class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400">
{{ partial "icon.html" "bars" }}
class="fixed inset-0 z-30 invisible w-full h-full m-auto overflow-auto transition-opacity opacity-0 cursor-default bg-neutral-100/50 backdrop-blur-sm dark:bg-neutral-900/50"
class="flex flex-col w-full px-6 py-6 mx-auto overflow-visible list-none max-w-7xl text-end sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
<li class="mb-1">
<span class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400"
>{{ partial "icon.html" "xmark" }}</span
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ if and (eq .Params.action "locale") (or (not page.IsTranslated) (not site.IsMultiLingual)) }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
id="search-button-{{ $.Scratch.Get "searchCount" }}"
title="{{ .Title | default (i18n "search.open_button_title") }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "appearance" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "switchCount" 1 }}
id="appearance-switcher-{{ $.Scratch.Get "switchCount" }}"
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
title="{{ .Title }}"
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
<button id="search-button-m0" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
@ -5,229 +5,13 @@
{{ partial "logo.html" . }}
{{ if or .Site.Menus.main (.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) }}
{{/* Hamburger menu */}}
<label id="menu-button" for="menu-controller" class="block sm:hidden">
<input type="checkbox" id="menu-controller" class="hidden" />
<div class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400">
{{ partial "icon.html" "bars" }}
class="fixed inset-0 z-30 invisible w-full h-full m-auto overflow-auto transition-opacity opacity-0 cursor-default bg-neutral-100/50 backdrop-blur-sm dark:bg-neutral-900/50"
class="flex flex-col w-full px-6 py-6 mx-auto overflow-visible list-none max-w-7xl text-end sm:px-14 sm:py-10 sm:pt-10 md:px-24 lg:px-32"
<li class="mb-1">
<span class="cursor-pointer hover:text-primary-600 dark:hover:text-primary-400"
>{{ partial "icon.html" "xmark" }}</span
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ if and (eq .Params.action "locale") (or (not page.IsTranslated) (not site.IsMultiLingual)) }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
id="search-button-{{ $.Scratch.Get "searchCount" }}"
title="{{ .Title | default (i18n "search.open_button_title") }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "appearance" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "switchCount" 1 }}
id="appearance-switcher-{{ $.Scratch.Get "switchCount" }}"
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
title="{{ .Title }}"
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group">
<button id="search-button-m0" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Hamburger menu */}}
{{ partial "header/hamburger/hamburger-content.html" . }}
{{/* Basic menu */}}
<ul class="flex-row hidden list-none text-end sm:flex">
{{ if .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ if and (eq .Params.action "locale") (or (not page.IsTranslated) (not site.IsMultiLingual)) }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
<li class="mb-1 group sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
{{ if eq .Params.action "search" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "searchCount" 1 }}
{{ if $.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false }}
id="search-button-{{ $.Scratch.Get "searchCount" }}"
title="{{ .Title | default (i18n "search.open_button_title") }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "search" }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "appearance" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "switchCount" 1 }}
id="appearance-switcher-{{ $.Scratch.Get "switchCount" }}"
aria-label="appearance switcher"
class="inline transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:hidden"
title="{{ i18n "footer.dark_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "moon" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
class="hidden transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600 dark:inline"
title="{{ i18n "footer.light_appearance" }}"
{{ with .Params.icon | default "sun" }}
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}
{{ else if eq .Params.action "locale" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "localeCount" 1 }}
{{ partial "translations.html" . }}
{{ else }}
href="{{ .URL }}"
title="{{ .Title }}"
{{ with .Params.target }}target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
>{{ with .Params.icon }}
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{- partial "icon.html" . -}}
{{- end -}}{{- if .Params.showName | default true -}}
class="decoration-primary-500 group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-2 group-hover:underline-offset-2"
>{{ .Name | markdownify | emojify }}</span
{{ end }}</a
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if and ($.Site.Params.enableSearch | default false) (eq ($.Scratch.Get "searchCount") 0) }}
<li class="mb-1 group sm:mb-0 sm:me-7 sm:last:me-0">
<button id="search-button-m1" title="{{ i18n "search.open_button_title" }}">
class="transition-colors group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 group-hover:text-primary-600"
{{ partial "icon.html" "search" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ partial "header/basic/basic-content.html" . }}
{{ end }}
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Reference in New Issue