Welcome to Congo! :tada: on Congohttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/Recent content in Welcome to Congo! :tada: on CongoHugo -- gohugo.ioen-AUSun, 16 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000Installationhttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/installation/Sun, 16 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/installation/Simply follow the standard Hugo Quick Start procedure to get up and running quickly. Detailed instructions can be found below. Install Hugo # You can find specific instructions for your platform in the official Hugo docs. Make sure you are using Hugo version 0.86.1 or later as the theme takes advantage of some of the latest Hugo features. Create a new site # Run the command hugo new site mywebsite to create a new Hugo site in a folder named mywebsite.Getting Startedhttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/getting-started/Sat, 15 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/getting-started/This section assumes you have already installed the Congo theme. The config files that ship with Congo contain all of the possible settings that the theme recognises. By default, many of these are commented out but you can simply uncomment them to activate or change a specific feature. A few things you need to set for a new installation: # config/_default/config.toml baseURL = &#34;https://your_domain.com&#34; languageCode = &#34;en-AU&#34; title = &#34;My awesome website&#34; [author] name = &#34;Your name&#34; image = &#34;img/author.Configurationhttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/configuration/Fri, 14 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/configuration/Congo is a highly customisable theme and uses some of the latest Hugo features to simplify how it is configured. The theme ships with a default configuration that gets you up and running with a basic blog or static website. Configuration files bundled with the theme are provided in TOML format as this is the default Hugo syntax. Feel free to convert your config to YAML or JSON if you wish.Usershttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/users/Fri, 14 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/users/Real websites that are built with Congo. Website Details Congo user? To add your site to this list, submit a pull request.Homepage Layouthttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/homepage-layout/Thu, 13 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/homepage-layout/Congo provides a fully flexible homepage layout. There are two main templates to choose from with additional settings to adjust the design. Alternatively, you can also provide your own template and have complete control over the homepage content. The layout of the homepage is controlled by the homepage.layout setting in the params.toml configuration file. Additionally, all layouts have the option to include a listing of recent articles. Page layout # The default layout is the page layout.Front Matterhttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/front-matter/Wed, 12 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/front-matter/In addition to the default Hugo front matter parameters, Congo adds a number of additional options to customise the presentation of individual articles. All the available theme parameters are listed below. Front matter parameter default values are inherited from the theme&rsquo;s base configuration, so you only need to specify these parameters in your front matter when you want to override the default. Name Type Default Description externalUrl string Not set If this article is published on a third-party website, the URL to this article.Shortcodeshttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/shortcodes/Tue, 11 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/shortcodes/In addition to all the default Hugo shortcodes, Congo adds a few extras for additional functionality. Alert # alert outputs its contents as a stylised message box within your article. It&rsquo;s useful for drawing attention to important information that you don&rsquo;t want the reader to miss. The input is written in Markdown so you can format it however you please. Example: {{&lt; alert &gt;}} **Warning!** This action is destructive! {{&lt; /alert &gt;}} Warning!Partialshttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/partials/Mon, 10 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/partials/Analytics # Congo provides built-in support for Fathom Analytics and Google Analytics. Fathom is a paid alternative to Google Analytics that respects user privacy. If you&rsquo;re interested you can use this affiliate link to receive $10 credit and try the service. Fathom Analytics # To enable Fathom Analytics support, simply provide your Fathom site code in the config/_default/params.toml file. If you also use the custom domain feature of Fathom and would like to serve their script from your domain, you can also additionally provide the domain configuration value.Advanced Customisationhttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/advanced-customisation/Sun, 09 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/docs/advanced-customisation/There are a couple of ways you can make style changes to Congo. If you just need to add or override some simple styles, you can do so by creating a custom.css file in your project&rsquo;s static/css/ folder. This file will be loaded automatically after the theme&rsquo;s default styles. Alternatively, if you&rsquo;d like to make a major change, you can take advantage of Tailwind CSS&rsquo;s JIT compiler and rebuild the entire theme CSS from scratch.Markdown Syntax Guidehttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/markdown-syntax/Mon, 11 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/markdown-syntax/<p>This article offers a sample of basic Markdown syntax that can be used in Hugo content files, also it shows whether basic HTML elements are decorated with CSS in a Hugo theme.</p>Rich Contenthttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/rich-content/Sun, 10 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/rich-content/<p>Hugo ships with several <a href="https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/#use-hugos-built-in-shortcodes">Built-in Shortcodes</a> for rich content, along with a <a href="https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/">Privacy Config</a> and a set of Simple Shortcodes that enable static and no-JS versions of various social media embeds.</p> <h2 id="heading"> <a class="heading-anchor" href="#heading" aria-label="Anchor">#</a></h2>Math Typesettinghttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/math-typesetting/Fri, 08 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/math-typesetting/<p>Mathematical notation in a Hugo project can be enabled by using third party JavaScript libraries.</p>Emoji Supporthttps://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/emoji-support/Tue, 05 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0000https://jpanther.github.io/Congo/samples/emoji-support/<p>Emoji can be enabled in a Hugo project in a number of ways.</p>