const jsdom = require("jsdom"); const fs = require("fs"); const DOC_DIR = "./exampleSite/content/samples/icons"; const FONTAWESOME_VERSION = "v6.5.1"; const DEFAULT_TABLE_DELIMITER = "| -------------------- | --------------------------------- |"; /** * Saves an icon to the congo project and update documentation. * @param {string} icon_name Icon name from Font Awesome to download * @returns null */ const add_icon_to_congo = async (icon_name) => { try { const icon_url = create_icon_url(icon_name, FONTAWESOME_VERSION); const file = await get_file(icon_url); const final_svg = modify_svg_string(file); const icon_download_path = create_icon_download_path(icon_name); save_file(icon_download_path, final_svg); add_documentation(icon_name); } catch (e) { console.log(e); return; } }; const modify_svg_string = (svg_string) => { try { dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(svg_string); svg = dom.window.document.documentElement.querySelector("svg"); svg.querySelector("path").setAttribute("fill", "currentColor"); return svg.outerHTML; } catch (e) { throw new Error("Invalid SVG file"); } }; const create_icon_url = (icon_name, fontawesome_version) => { return `${fontawesome_version}/svgs/brands/${icon_name}.svg`; }; const create_icon_download_path = (icon_name) => { return `./assets/icons/${icon_name}.svg`; }; const get_file = async (url) => { console.log("Getting file at " + url + "..."); const response = await fetch(url); if (response.status >= 400) { throw new Error("Could not download icon / icon not found"); } console.log("File retrieved!"); return response.text(); }; const save_file = (file_path, file) => { console.log("Saving file at " + file_path + "..."); fs.writeFile(file_path, file, function (err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("File saved!"); }); }; const add_documentation = async (icon_name) => { files = get_md_docs(); for (const file of files) { const file_path = `${DOC_DIR}/${file}`; const file_contents = fs.readFileSync(file_path, "utf8"); const file_result = process_file(file_contents, icon_name); // Save file_result to file_path fs.writeFile(file_path, file_result, function (err) { if (err) throw err; }); console.log(`Updated ${file_path}`); } }; /** * Process the file contents to include the icon name. * @param {string} file_contents contents of the documentation files. * @returns {string} processed file contents. */ const process_file = (file_contents, icon_name) => { const [headers, table] = file_contents.split(DEFAULT_TABLE_DELIMITER); const table_rows = table.split("\n").map((x) => x.trim()).filter((row) => row !== ""); table_rows.push(table_rows[0].replace("amazon", icon_name)); table_rows.sort(); const new_table = table_rows.join("\n"); return `${headers.trimEnd()}\n${DEFAULT_TABLE_DELIMITER}\n${new_table}\n`; }; const get_md_docs = () => { return fs.readdirSync(DOC_DIR).filter((file) => file.endsWith(".md")); }; module.exports = { add_icon_to_congo };