# Site configuration for the Congo demo site
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# IMPORTANT: You should not use this file as a template for configuration
# as it does not contain all the required theme settings!
# Refer to the theme docs for configuration instructions if you're unsure.
# https://jpanther.github.io/congo/docs/
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

theme = "congo"
languageCode = "en-AU"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
title = "Congo"
enableEmoji = true
summaryLength = 0

  name = "Congo"
  image = "img/author.jpg"
  links = [
    { twitter = "https://twitter.com/" },
    { facebook = "https://facebook.com/" },
    { linkedin = "https://linkedin.com/" },
    { youtube = "https://youtube.com/" },

  tag = "tags"

  layout = "custom"
  showRecent = true
  mainSections = ["samples"]

  groupByYear = false
  showBreadcrumbs = true

  showBreadcrumbs = true
  showEdit = true
  editURL = "https://github.com/jpanther/congo/tree/dev/exampleSite/content/"
  editAppendPath = true

  name = "Docs"
  pageRef = "docs"
  weight = 10
  name = "Samples"
  pageRef = "samples"
  weight = 20
  name = "Users"
  pageRef = "users"
  weight = 30
  name = "GitHub"
  url = "https://github.com/jpanther/congo"
  weight = 40

  unsafe = true

  noClasses = false