{{- with .Paginator }} {{- $width := $.Site.Params.list.paginationWidth | default 1 }} {{- $currentPageNumber := .PageNumber }} {{- if gt .TotalPages 1 }} {{- $start := math.Max 1 (sub .PageNumber $width) }} {{- $end := math.Min .TotalPages (add $start (mul $width 2)) }} <ul class="flex flex-row mt-8"> {{- with .Prev }} <li> <a href="{{ .URL }}" class="mx-1 block min-w-[1.8rem] rounded text-center hover:bg-primary-600 hover:text-neutral" aria-label="Previous page" rel="prev" > ← </a> </li> {{- end }} {{- with .First }} {{- if gt $currentPageNumber (add 1 $width) }} <li class="mx-1 min-w-[1.8rem] text-center"> <a href="{{ .URL }}" class="block rounded hover:bg-primary-600 hover:text-neutral" aria-label="First page" > {{ .PageNumber }} </a> </li> {{- if gt $currentPageNumber (add 2 $width) }} <li>⋯</li> {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- range $i := seq $start $end }} <li class="mx-1 min-w-[1.8rem] text-center"> {{- if eq $.Paginator.PageNumber $i }} <span aria-current="page" aria-label="Page {{ $i }}" class="block font-semibold rounded bg-primary-200 text-primary-700 dark:bg-primary-400 dark:text-neutral-800" > {{ $i }} </span> {{- else }} <a href="{{ (index $.Paginator.Pagers (sub $i 1)).URL }}" class="block rounded hover:bg-primary-600 hover:text-neutral" aria-label="Page {{ $i }}" > {{ $i }} </a> {{- end }} </li> {{- end }} {{- with .Last }} {{- if lt $currentPageNumber (sub .TotalPages $width) }} {{- if lt $currentPageNumber (sub .TotalPages (add $width 1)) }} <li>⋯</li> {{- end }} <li class="mx-1 min-w-[1.8rem] text-center"> <a href="{{ .URL }}" class="block rounded hover:bg-primary-600 hover:text-neutral" aria-label="Last page" > {{ .PageNumber }} </a> </li> {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .Next }} <li> <a href="{{ .URL }}" class="mx-1 block min-w-[1.8rem] rounded text-center hover:bg-primary-600 hover:text-neutral" aria-label="Next page" rel="next" > → </a> </li> {{- end }} </ul> {{- end }} {{- end }}