mirror of https://github.com/jpanther/congo.git
273 lines
15 KiB
273 lines
15 KiB
{{- /* util/divineRGBVal consume a tailwind color name and weight, return RGB val in hex format. */ -}}
{{- $rgbItchy := newScratch -}}
{{- $themeColors := newScratch -}}
{{- $debug := (site.Params.divineRGBVals.debug|default false) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "logPrefix" "[util/divineRGBVal.html] " -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "debugPrefix" (print "[DEBUG]" ( $rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix" )) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s Debug enabled" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" false -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "twLookupSource" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.tailwindMap |default nil ) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" "#000000" -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "themeSource" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.themeColorMap|default "site.Data.congo") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "twLookupSource" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.tailwindMap |default nil ) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "schemeColors" nil -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "primary" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.primary |default nil) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "secondary" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.secondary |default nil) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "neutral" (site.Params.divineRGBVals.neutral |default nil) -}}
{{- $colorSchemeName := $rgbItchy.Get "scheme" -}}
{{- $ctx := .context -}}
{{- $color := (.color|default nil) -}}
{{- $shade := (.shade|default nil) -}}
{{- $scheme := (.scheme |default nil ) -}}
{{- $return := (.return |default "RGB" ) -}}
{{- $validReturns := slice "RGB" "TWColor" "TWColorShade" -}}
{{- if in $validReturns $return -}}
{{- if and $debug (ne $return "RGB") -}}
{{- warnf "%s ---- Return set to: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") (string $return) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "return" $return -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- warnf "%s xxxx Unsupported value of %s set for return. Setting to 'RGB' instead." ($rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix") $return -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "return" "RGB" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $scheme -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "scheme" $scheme -}}
{{- if ne $scheme ( site.Params.colorScheme ) -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" true -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-. Requested colorScheme '%s' differs from scheme '%s' read from site.Params.colorScheme. Lookup will be necessary." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") (site.Params.colorScheme) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "scheme" ( site.Params.colorScheme ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-. Theme colorScheme not provided on invocation. Read '%s' from site.Params.colorScheme." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $shade -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+.. Shade given: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") (string $shade) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if (strings.HasSuffix $shade "0") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" (string $shade) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .-.. Shade ends with 0 : %s " ($rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $color -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +... Color given: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ( strings.Contains $color "-" ) (strings.HasSuffix $color "0") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -... Color %s seems to be a tailwind-style (color)-(shade)" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* TODO: There has to be a better way to achieve this ????? */ -}}
{{- $c := strings.Split $color "-" -}}
{{- $col := delimit (first 1 $c) "" -}}
{{- $shd := delimit ( last 1 $c) "" -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s --.. Color/Shade: %s %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $col $shd -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and ($shade) (ne $shd (string $shade)) -}}
{{- warnf "%s --.. We were fed a tailwind-style color-shade ( %s ) and a shade (%s). %s and %s are not the same value. Please provide one or the other. " ( $rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix") $color (string $shade) $shd (string $shade) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "color" $col -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" $shd -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ++.. Set Scratch vars Color: %s Shade: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ( $rgbItchy.Get "color") ( $rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s --.. Color '%s' doesn't seem to be a tailwind-style (color)-(shade) combo. " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "color" $color -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if in ( slice "primary" "secondary" "neutral") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -.-. Color '%s' references a theme-abstracted value. Further divination required" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" true -}}
{{- if not ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--. Desired Shade unknown. Will lookup theme-value default for %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+.. Desired Shade: %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "needThemeLookup" true -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--. Desired Shade unknown. Will lookup default for %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "logPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /*
At this point, we should know if
- we need to lookup theme-specific colormap
- we need to lookup default shades
*/ -}}
{{- if ($rgbItchy.Get "needThemeLookup") -}}
{{- /* We need to lookup theme-specific information to return the requested color */ -}}
{{- if not (strings.HasSuffix ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") "0") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--? Shade not provided on invocation. Determining fallback value for '%s'." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $themeData := (index site.Data ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource")) -}}
{{- range $wK, $wV := $themeData.colorWeights -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .--. Iterating default weights: %s %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $wK ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $wK ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" $wV -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+-. Found weight for K:%s. Set shade to:%s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $wK ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if not (strings.HasSuffix ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") "0") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +--. Default shade for %s not found. Fetching fallback value." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "shade" $themeData.fallbackWeight -}}
{{- warnf "%s .+-. Shade value set to fallback: %s." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* shade should be set no matter what now. */ -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- errorf "%s xxx. Theme DataFile %s not accessible, and color shade not provided. Sorry Charlie." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if and (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "primary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "secondary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "neutral") nil) -}}
{{- /* we need to find the Tailwind colors for our theme. */ -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -.-? %s Scheme Color names unknown. Shortcut this by setting Site params.divineRGBVals.(primary,secondary,neutral) to the values discerned from divination." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- with $themeData := (index site.Data ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource")) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-? Theme Datafile %s Accessible " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $tK, $tV := $themeData.themeColors -}}
{{- if and (reflect.IsMap $tV) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "primary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "secondary") nil) (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "neutral") nil) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s -.-? Iterating themeData: K:%d V:%s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $tV -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $label, $blob := $tV -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..-? Evaluating Scheme %d Name:%s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $label -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $label ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") -}}
{{- /* we got a match. assign the match to an element in our scratch object */ -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "schemeColors" $blob -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ..*? Matched Scheme %s! P: %s, S: %s N: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") ($rgbItchy.Get "schemeColors").primary ($rgbItchy.Get "schemeColors").secondary ($rgbItchy.Get "schemeColors").neutral }}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $colorRole, $colorName := $blob -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set $colorRole $colorName -}}
{{- if not ($themeColors.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- $themeColors.Set $colorRole $colorName -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +.+? Setting the value of scratch object $rgbItchy.%s. Reading it Back to verify: %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- break -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- break -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* We don't have the lookup file for the theme's colors. */ -}}
{{- errorf "%s ..x. Theme DataFile %s not accessible, but required to proceed. Sorry.." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "themeSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- range $colorRole := slice "primary" "secondary" "neutral" -}}
{{- warnf "%s +... %s color set in params as %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* we have the Tailwind colors for the requested scheme. */ -}}
{{- range $colorRole := slice "primary" "secondary" "neutral" -}}
{{- if eq $colorRole ( $rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "color" ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +.+? Color %s disambiguated to %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if or (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColor") (eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColorShade" ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +..+ Returning the Tailwind Color Name for %s %s requested: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "scheme") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColor" -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" (printf "%s" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s *.** returnVal set to color: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "returnVal") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else if eq ($rgbItchy.Get "return") "TWColorShade" -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" (printf "%s-%s" ($rgbItchy.Get "color") ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") ) -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **** returnVal set to color-shade: %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "returnVal") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s +.+? Role %s is %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $colorRole ($rgbItchy.Get $colorRole) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* the lookup in question doesn't need theme-scoped data. just tailwind. */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq ( $rgbItchy.Get "return") "RGB" -}}
{{- with $tailwind := (index site.Data ($rgbItchy.Get "twLookupSource")) -}}{{- /* We have the map of tailwind colors to RGB Vals. */ -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s ...- Tailwind ColorMap Datafile %s Accessible" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "twLookupSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $col := default nil -}}
{{- $shd := default nil -}}
{{- $val := default nil -}}
{{- range $tK, $tV := $tailwind -}}
{{- if not $col -}}
{{- range $cName, $cVals := $tV }}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s *..- Evaluating Tailwind Mapdata %d:%s %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $cName ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $cName ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **.+ Found color %s %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK ($rgbItchy.Get "color") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $col = $cVals -}}
{{- range $sNum, $sVal := $cVals }}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **.- Evaluating %d:%s Shades :%s %s " ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") $tK $cName $sNum ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $sNum ($rgbItchy.Get "shade") -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **.+ Found %s:%d RGBVal: %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "color") $sNum $sVal -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $rgbItchy.Set "returnVal" $sVal -}}
{{- if $debug -}}
{{- warnf "%s **** ReturnVal set %s" ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "returnVal") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- /* return ( $rgbItchy.Get "returnVal" ) */ -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- /* We don't have the map of tailwind colors to RGB Vals. */ -}}
{{- errorf "%s ...x Tailwind ColorMap Datafile %s not accessible." ( $rgbItchy.Get "debugPrefix") ($rgbItchy.Get "twLookupSource") -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- return ( $rgbItchy.Get "returnVal" ) -}} |