Minor changes and add new post

Marcel Ventosa 2023-07-03 08:26:23 +07:00
parent 68a8ce3918
commit ce6296ac2e
522 changed files with 4693 additions and 258 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 289 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 860 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 230 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 222 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 211 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 332 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 757 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 286 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 535 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 384 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 245 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 270 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 372 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 248 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 324 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 254 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 267 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 254 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 256 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 352 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 223 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 338 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 218 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 259 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 338 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 217 B

View File

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View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 266 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 222 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 253 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 280 B

View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 457 B

View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 460 B

View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 18 18">
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