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Now #

Updated July 2nd, 2023 from my home in Phnom Penh. The rainy season has started.

Location #


Family #

Activities & projects with my daughter #

My daughter is unschooled. I like to help her follow her interests, so this is an area where I research, read, and spend time with her.

Moving #

We’ll be moving to a house close by in a couple of weeks.

Packing stuff in Thailand #

I’ll be in Thailand, packing a house full of stuff we left there more than 5 years ago. Some things have been unopened for the best part of a decade, since they were shipped from Mexico. The apocalypse turned two years to five in the blink of an eye.

Mom’s visit #

My mom will be coming to visit from Mexico later this year and will be staying with us for an extended period. We haven’t seen each other for more than 5 years and she’s never met my daughter. I have a few things to prepare for her visit.

Business #

Company organization, BD & collateral, back of house #

These next months I’ll be focusing on our KPR’s, online business development, SOP’s, hiring, training, and supervising new staff.

Personal #

Fitness #

I exercise at the gym 5 or 6 times per week. Some days I do yoga, some days weights and rowing. I haven’t been doing much yoga lately except for warm-up yoga, because my knees were hurting and I felt I needed some rest.

Blog #

I’m making it a habit to write posts for this blog.

Books #

Currently Reading or Working With
  • One Peaceful World Cookbook by Alex Jack & Sachs Karo

    • Wonderful macrobiotic vegan recipes. I have tried a dozen of them so far and none have disappointed.
  • Smart Choices by John Hammond, et al.

    • Interesting premise.
  • The 4 Disciplines of Execution by McPherson et al.

    • Reading this as a sequel to Christina Wodtke’s Radical Focus, which I enjoyed.
  • The Unschooled Unmannual by John Holt

    • Interesting observations on the way children learn.
Recently Finished
  • The Art of Living by S. N. Goenka

    • I Read this as a preparation for a 10 (12 actually) day silent meditation retreat. Interesting book. Interesting retreat. Somewhat cultist, but gave me interesting takeaways. The book by itself may not be interesting without the retreat.
  • On Being a Teacher by Jonathan Kozol

    • Pleasingly subversive reading. Although the target readership are teachers, it was a worthwhile book to read as a parent with an unschooled child as well.
  • Tools for Conviviality by Ivan Illich

    • A thought-provoking book. Read it for the second time as I thought I needed a refresher.
  • How Children Learn by John Holt

    • Interesting read.
  • Patria 1 by Paco Ignacio Taibo II

    • Mexican mid 19th century history by a left wing intellectual. An interesting read and part one of a three part series.
  • Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold by Krishna Das

    • I love to listen to his chants. The book did not disappoint. Krishna Das is a man of true devotion.
  • Paths to God: Living the Bhagavad Gita by Ram Dass

    • I have a nuanced relationship with the thoughts of Ram Dass. Interesting guy. We don’t see eye-to-eye on everything, but I enjoy reading him. His thoughts on vegetarianism on this book are disappointing, to put it mildly.
  • The Surrender Experiment and The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

    • Really enjoyed reading both of these books.

(This is a Now page. Thanks to Derek Sivers for the idea)

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